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The Akashic Activates Your Psychic Gifts

Writer's picture: Andye MurphyAndye Murphy

Updated: Aug 13, 2024

Let’s be real… you’re here to gain superpowers, to activate your psychic gifts! In India, these would be known as the Siddhis, the magickal powers and abilities gained through rigorous spiritual practice. For the Egyptians, these powers are known as Pahouti or those natural gifts that have been denied to you.

You read that right, lover! These are your innate and natural powers waiting to be turned the heck back on. The Akashic is designed to bring you back into your innate and natural superpowers.

Akashic Activates Your Psychic Gifts | Andye Murphy

They feel like superpowers and your brain can even struggle to accept it. But the more you invest in Opening your Akashic Records, the more magickally charged your world becomes. 

SuperPower 1 : Freedom

The Akashic gives you freedom! As you access and stabilize expanded states of awareness, you make choices in alignment with this higher frequency. 

Victim mentality is abolished as you participate in what Marc Gafni calls a “cosmo-erotic universe” whose frequency is love. You are less able to be influenced by outside forces for you know yourself and the universe as divine. 

In every instance you have the freedom to choose to engage more consciously from this state of love. Do you choose that which brings you joy or that which contributes to continued cycles of suffering?

When you recognize all actions must be evolved back to love, you are less likely to create more work for yourself. 

The freedom offered in the Akashic is one of no longer being bound to a fixed and punishing reality. In the Akashic Records you see Truth and cannot dismiss what has been shown to you. It gives you total freedom to always be participating in more love. You get to choose enlightenment rather than going back to sleep.

You no longer accept what has been told to you as fact, my friend, and may instead open the Akashic Records to gain Truth when you are in doubt.

You are empowered in this freedom to always choose in favor of your enlightenment or to loop in unconscious habitual cycles. 

Choice and freedom, beloved, are the first of your super powers.

SuperPower 2 : Joy

For the Egyptians, Joy and Power are the same word!

In the Akashic, you will radiate at the frequency of joy. As you gain freedom through Truth, you resonate at the frequency of the divine… and the Divine is a frequency of ecstasy.

Your Work is in un-programming, unraveling to release the blocks from a fixed and defined reality. 

Joy is abundant for it is the heartbeat of reality. Few are courageous enough to embark in this way, but you are here, so it’s yours for the taking!

You live in a loving and vibrant universe. The Earth’s vibration is pure gold (go ahead open the Akashic Records and find it for yourself!)

You are here to harvest the gold and alchemize the uglier parts of this incarnational experience. When you encounter challenges, you are encouraged to evolve it to love and greet the obstacles in a new way. You create this reality, why not make it more fun?!?

Choosing  joy is the trick! You have been programmed in codependence, to think of others first and acquiesce to maintaining peace. Peace is rad! But not at the cost of your own well-being.

We live in a radical moment where societal beliefs are being questioned. Lucky you! However being a forerunner comes with its own lessons. 

The Akashic gives you fresh eyes and a new outlook. Open Your Records and bask in the Akashic Field to be affirmed when you may wonder if you are acting in accordance with the divine. If you discover that you are acting out of self-interests, honor the truth of that and navigate accordingly.

Allowing your Akashic Awareness to guide you will always ensure your actions are in alignment with love and truth. 

Joy is your Messenger

Joy is your cue. When something excites and lifts you, you are choosing in favor of your Soul. You are choosing to en-lighten and will be celebrated for doing so. You’ll feel expansive, relieved even at times, for this radical choosing of your own joy. Heck yeah and keep going!

Many of us were taught that choosing our own joy is selfish. Or you may falsely believe that your joy will cause harm to others.

This is never the case, beloved. Inherent on this path of enlightenment is a hefty lesson in self-love. 

Joy points you in the direction of the divine. Joy is your second super-power. 

Boundaries allow you to live in that field of love safely. Expressing these boundaries to others is simply you sharing how you need to be loved so that you live in your authentic sparkly-ass expansion. 

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Suffering is A Choice

Gone are the days of learning through suffering. In Eastern teachings suffering was the path to enlightenment. But precious one, you live in a new era! Your past lives and those of your ancestors were riddled with suffering. You are here to live in the Akashic Evolution. Call it the Age of Aquarius or the Aeon of Horus, you are indeed embarking on a new era. New ways of engaging with reality are not only required but celebrated. 

You are asked to live in the fullness of your radiance. To express authentically and honestly in all situations as the divine that you are

I’m here to remind you it’s safe to do so. This is not the lifetime of persecution and punishment. You are here for the evolution and every obstacle will give you opportunities to choose toward love. 

Pain evolves us. It takes us out of the habitual, day-to-day, movements and requires that we stop and re-attune. Each hurdle allows you to align with the divine within. 

Pro-Tip : Confusion is also a great liberator. Con-fusion. It takes things out of stuckness and grants an opportunity to choose differently. Can you choose in favor of your joy?

When you know joy, you’ll see every hiccup is an opportunity to become more enlightened. Free yourself of the perceived burden and you’ll discover all is indeed conspiring in your favor. Your perspective changes by walking in the Akashic Awareness and you’ll live in infinitely more lightness.

Damn baby, this is no platitude of a silver lining. It is simply an ever present invitation to live in an expanded and conscious state with reality. Your alignment with the Akashic activates your psychic gifts that are innate and natural. You are offered a path of devotion that lives and breathes through all the cosmos. 

You have suffered enough! Lifetimes worth of pain has been evolved. This is your life to inhabit

higher states of being. And only you can choose when to shift your paradigm. 

Each time you choose joy, you choose in favor of your soul’s purest essence… and that is a superpower, your superpower, that can never be taken from you!

Psychic Gifts Activate in the Akashic 

As a kid I wanted nothing more than to be psychic. I craved the mystical and magickal. It lived somewhere in my soul longing to be awakened. I spent my life pursuing these hidden and forgotten gifts. Little did I know it would all open to me through the Akashic Records!

In the Akashic Records, your psychic powers will activate!

When you spend time in the Akashic, you gain the ability to sustain higher states of awareness. You perceive through a purified lens what is true and joyous to your soul. 

Your spidey senses (those signals in your sacral, in your gut) will recognize when something is untrue. You might choose to open the Akashic Records to gain greater wisdom. Or you may shift into this Akashic Awareness to navigate with a renewed perspective. 

In the Egyptian Mystery Schools, the AkaSa is the element of your 3rd Eye. It is the 5th element, that of ether, of anti-gravity. It cannot be directly touched yet exists in everything!

Anytime you open your Records or shift into Akashic Awareness you are doing so by activating your 3rd eye. 

Being in the Akashic is living in a new state of awareness. This awareness is through your 3rd eye. You perceive and engage differently than those whose 3rd eye is not activated. 

It is naturally and divinely designed that your psychic gifts activate anytime you are in the Akashic… for psychic, 3rd eye, and the AkaSa are all the same. Yes, opening your Akashic Records requires some intuition, it is a gift to yourself to engage with reality in this way, but it will also turn on your other psychic abilities as well!

How my 1st Akashic Reading Activated My Psychic Gifts 

My very first Akashic Records reading changed the course of my life. Truly, it was a hard pivot from climbing the corporate ladder to remembering my life purpose. I have never been the same since that day in 2001. 

I knew I had to learn how to Open the Akashic Records and enrolled in a weekend workshop in Chicago. At the end of the course, we were required to do a reading on a stranger. 

I shared things with the woman I had no way of knowing. I blew my own mind with the accuracy of information that poured through.

I assumed it was all “psychic insights” but then even more opened. 

I felt a squeezing of my hand, gentle yet persistent. 

I inquired if this meant anything at all to her and her face lit up.

She recounted a surgical procedure some years back. She was so anxious that she asked Archangel Michael to be by her side. As she came out of anesthesia, she felt the squeezing on her hand. She looked up to see Archangel Michael holding her hand, reassuring her that all was well and she had no reason to fear.

I felt it! I had no clue I was capable of such a thing! Not subtly either but as if my own hand was in his being pumped.

Opening the Akashic opened my perceptions, my psychic gifts, and my world!

It brought me into experiences that defied what I thought was possible. 

As you let yourself engage with the world in wonder, you too will walk in fields of knowing and perceiving more than the visible reality.

Your psychic gifts will ignite in ways that alter your experiences of life. 

Tuned into Truth and through Joy and awe, you'll have the freedom to experience a loving consciousness in all reality that is very alive and responsive. 

Your psychic gifts may indeed seem like super powers. But honey, they are yours, and natural, just waiting to be re-activated. 

SuperPower 3 : You Are More than Human

Living and receiving through your Akashic Awareness, you will realize you are more than a mere human toiling about on this planet. 

You are the Awakening Wonder! With every breath of your activated consciousness, you’ll be experienced by others as more enlightened, vibrant, and indeed magickal. It’s kinna like you’re a SuperHero!

Reality is no longer static. Instead you are invited to engage with the Sa (the god seed and purest essence) of all life in new ways —ways that defy anything you knew before. 

This is your Truth and the truth of your radiance. Once you live in this way, darling one, nothing will ever be the same. 

I think it's a hard jump for us to believe ourselves to be God. Gah, we are but it’s still a mental leap that I find challenging. So, I’m cautious with my words for both of our sakes. 

Accepting that I am in the Divine in Form feels great. 

Find the wording that allows you to expand without triggering any religious trauma or unworthiness. 

You have always been more than a meat suit. Inside you are the most precious of gifts, abilities, dreams and creations that will bring something new and profound to our world. You are divine. The universe is divine. It’s high time you claim it and have more blessings in this reality!

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Exercise : Akashic Records as a Daily Practice to Activate Psychic Gifts

I’m not so great with discipline. My feminine nature attunes much better to devotion.

So a daily practice might feel daunting or too structured. I get it!

My way with any “practice” is to try it on. See how it feels. No need to put it into an anxiety causing paradigm…. ‘Cause we’re out of that reality, boo! Bring into your expanded Akashic Awareness how it feels when you do it versus the days you skip it.

Be present and kind to yourself and stay curious.

  • Open your Akashic Records before you start your day

  • Keep your Records open throughout the day

  • When you get confused, overwhelmed, or brought out of pure presence… Remember that your Akashic Record is open

  • Take a moment to tune back into your Akashic Awareness

  • breathe into your belly (where the Akashic lives) to align in your Akashic Field

  • When making choices, feel into Freedom, Truth, and Joy 

  • Notice with each option:

  • Do you feel light or heavy?

  • Are you making a decision from your higher consciousness or out of obligation?

  • At the end of the day:

  • find the places you are proud of yourself for engaging more consciously

  • Notice if you are feeling more joyous and peaceful than a week ago

  • Note the places you could be choose even more in your favor next time

  • Celebrate and let the Awareness expand even more tomorrow

  • Close your Records, baby!

Psychic Powers Activate

I know how powerfully my life has changed since walking in the Akashic and am honored to ignite the same in you.

The Akashic expands what’s possible. You are afforded divine experiences beyond the physical/material plane.

Your psychic gifts are sexy. They’re not rare or hard to develop. By attuning through the 3rd eye and tuning into your Akashic Awareness, your psychic gifts will flow freely. And your reality will feel far cooler than anything you imagined possible.

If you need any support, yeah, that's what I'm here for! Reach out to schedule an Akashic Field Healing or explore a 3 month Healing Journey to bring you into radiance.

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